
Android studio что за программа

Why Android Studio is Awesome ?

Android Studio came out as a replacement to Eclipse. Android Studio is an official IDE(Integrated Development Environment) that is used to create an app for the Android Platform. Android Studio was first announced in 2013 although the stable build for the IDE came the next year in December. It is the first choice for any developer to create an Android App. This is often considered whenever there is a need for a native Android App. Although, why is it so? Therefore, let’s just know why Android Studio is Awesome.

Faster Coding

Instant Run: It picks the changes in the code as soon as there is one. This change is seen without restarting the app or without rebuilding your app. This makes development faster if you are to create an app.

Intelligent Code Editor: With the Intelligent Code Editor, the development is a lot faster. The time you are writing code, the editor is recommending advanced code compilation and code analysis. One can easily check the recommendation by the dropdown list. All you have to do is press the tab to insert that code.

Great Emulator: The Emulator on the Android Studio lets you emulate a variety of things. It allows you to test your code with a variety of device configuration such as Smartphone, Tablet, Wearables, and Android TV Devices. Many other great features can be simulated such as GPS Location, motion sensors, network latency, and multi-touch input. This is an effective medium if we are looking forward to create an app.

Coding Confidence

Templates and Sample Apps: There are a variety of pre-made templates and samples that comes with the IDE. All these can be used for reference and even a piece of code can be injected from them. Therefore, it is going to be helpful in case if you are to create an app.

Lintelligence: This features can help to figure a variety of issues such as Performance, Security, and Correctness with a single click. There are almost 280 lint checks that can help you to create a perfect app.

Testing Tools and Framework: It comes with JUnit 4 and functional UI test frameworks. One can also record the testing using the Espresso Test Recorder. There are a variety of testing options and also you can do that in Firebase.

Make Builds without Limit:

Great Build System: The Android Studio Build system is very flexible for anyone who is using it. The IDE offers you automation dependency management and customizable build configurations. The code in Android can be used to include local libraries and builds. This makes the creation of an app easy.

Easily used by Teams: This allows you to integrate tools like GitHub Subversion. One can also keep his team in complete sync. The system enables developers to create an environment of their own for development. It can be used with tools such as Jenkins. This makes the task to create an app easier.

All Android Devices are Optimized: The IDE has been optimized for all sorts of devices. Also, the structured approach in the IDE lets you design the code for a particular design specifically.

Rich and Connected Apps

C++ and NDK Support: Just like any other language, this one supports C/C++ development. It can also check the syntax and refactor for C/C++. It is also capable of executing CMake and ndk-build scripts without making any changes to the IDE.

Firebase and Cloud Integration: It comes with a Firebase Assistant. This assistant will help you connect Firebase with the app. By using it, one can get features like Authentication, Notification, and much step-by-step procedure inside Android Studio. It also comes with Google Cloud integration. It is a complete solution to create an app.

Easy to Use

Editor for Layout: When you are developing in XML, a drag and drop editor is provided so that the process of development becomes easy.

Apk Analysis: The Apk Analyzer provided is capable of checking every all the contents inside your apk. It also reveals the size of each component. One can easily troubleshoot the DEX files for indexing issues, this will also compare the two apks.

Vector Asset Studio: With this one can use the wide variety of images. A specific directory for keeping image is provided. One can also integrate an SVD or PSD file. If you are to create an app then the images it wouldn’t be creating a hassle.

Translation Editor: This one is used to provide the translation for all the resources that are in use. Therefore, no need to check all those XML files for the effect of resources.

So these were of the great features that Android Studio has for us to Offer. In case if you are looking for an app development company then maybe we can help. We are Agicent Technologies and we have been making great Android applications for our clients. In case if you wish to read similar articles such as these then check out our blog. We hope this article may have been of some help to you. Also, thank you for reading the article until the end.

Android Studio

Android Studio — это современная среда программирования, созданная для тестирования и разработки приложений для ПК под ОС Android. При разработке оболочки были внедрены необходимые инструменты для комфортного, качественного и быстрого создания новых и отладки существующих приложений. Оболочка AndroidStudio содержит Android SDK, все версии операционных систем Android, эмуляторы для запуска рабочих приложений, а также различные компоненты для тестирования и отладки программных продуктов. Скачать Андроид Студио на русском в последней версии можно по этой ссылке.

Лицензия Бесплатная
ОС Windows 10/8,1/8/7
Язык интерфейса Русский, английский
Разработка Google
Разновидность программы Эмулятор


При создании нового проекта разработчик получает доступ ко всей структуре IDE Андроид Студия для Windows, вместе со всеми файлами приложения. Можно видеть всю структуру проекта в целом и подходить к процессу разработки чётко и целостно. Отображение внесённых изменений реализовано очень наглядно, в режиме реального времени. В зависимости от правок кода происходит мгновенный показ перестройки в работе всего проекта.

Среда разработки позволяет осуществлять проектирование приложений как под любую версию ОС Андроид, от 1.0 до последней, 5.0, так и для разных видов устройств — от смартфонов начальных версий до современных планшетов, предоставляет возможность оценить внешнее отображение и корректность работы.

Продуманность маркировки кода позволяет легко ориентироваться в объёмных проектах, что очень важно для разработки серьёзных приложений и упрощает редактирование через перетаскивание курсором отдельных компонентов и внутренних блоков. Важно отметить, что AndroidStudio имеет возможность отправки push-сообщений и уведомлений из приложения через облачный сервис Google Cloud Messaging непосредственно на Андроид-устройство.

Как пользоваться

Для начала работы нужно скачать APK Studio. Перед первым запуском будет предложена установка. В диалоговых вкладках находятся несколько параметров конфигурации.

Основная информация в первом диалог-окне касается импортирования настроек из предварительно установленной версии Android Studio:

  • примите настройки как есть, нажав на клавишу «OК», следующим шагом AndroidStudio откроет «Мастера установки»;
  • после клика «Далее», «Мастер установки» предложит назначить тип компонентов SDK — на сегодняшний день наиболее часто используется стандартная конфигурация;
  • следует нажать кнопку «Далее» и подтвердить избранные параметры, следующим шагом кликните «Готово», чтобы продолжить;
  • «Мастер установки» приступит к загрузке и распаковке необходимых компонентов, ознакомиться с подробными данными об архивах и их содержимым можно, нажав «Показать детали».

Прежде чем бесплатно скачать Android Studio и установить, следует проверить данные системы ПК. Если компьютер собирался не на базе Intel-процессора, можно ожидать неприятностей после полной загрузки и распаковки файлов, например ускориться будет недоступно.

Доступны варианты устранения проблемы — задействование медленного эмулятора или Android-устройства для ускорения. В финале «Мастера установки» следует кликнуть «Готово», после чего откроется приветственное окно «Добро пожаловать в Android Studio».

Чтобы ознакомиться с полной инструкцией по началу работы с Андроид Студио, нужно посетить официальный сайт Android Studio.

What is Android Studio and Why Should You Start Using it Today?

Android Studio is the Android application development tool that Google had launched in the month of December 2014. Earlier to this date, there was a Beta version available. It boasts of a highly functional environment for your Android Application Development needs. Earlier, Google promoted the Eclipse IDE with the Android Development Tools bundled together for Android application development, but after launching their own IDE, Google wants you to start using Android Studio for a better development experience.

Android Studio

What is Android Studio?

Android Studio is the official Android Application Development IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA. It supports development for all versions of Android, including Android Wear, Android TV and Android Auto, provided you download the respective SDKs from their servers. It offers many features that the earlier Eclipse-ADT bundle did not offer. Moreover, it’s the IDE that Google is supporting, and would release frequent updates to as well. Since my usage of this tool since December last year, I’ve received numerous updates which have not only fixed few bugs, but improved performance as well.

Why Start Using Android Studio Today?

This is a question that a few of my friends asked me when I told them about Android Studio. There are many reasons to start using this tool, but to sum up those reasons in this post, here are the ones that will make you switch to this development environment today.

  • It is the official supported IDE by Google for Android Application Development
  • It provides Gradle-based build system
  • It provides code templates to build common app features
  • It is seamlessly integrated with the Google Cloud Platform, which allows you to easily set up Google Cloud Messaging for your application and include the Google App Engine in your application
  • It has an advanced lint tool that helps you increase your app performance and helps you with usability, and version compatibility
  • It has a good-looking interface, which is the first and foremost thing I look for in any software or tool I use
  • It is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux as well, which means you can use your favorite Operating System while developing the applications on Android Studio

Download Android Studio Today

I hope by going through this post, you know why to switch to Android Studio as your Development Environment for your future Android application development. However, if you still are unsure about this move, ask about it in the comments section below. If you are using Android Studio for your development process already, leave a comment below stating what you like most about this IDE. Don’t forget to subscribe to our email newsletters and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

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